Category Archives: News

50th Reunion Announced!


Big News! The 50th reunion of the Class of 67 has officially been set for July 22. We are hoping to have as many classmates there as possible to join in the celebration.  Lots of details to come.

Make sure you are getting all the updates by joining the Class of 67 Facebook Group, you should go and join right away. Let’s get a conversation going and build up to the next event! You can join by clicking HERE. Also, check out the Graduates page on this site to see if we have your correct contact info. If not, there’s a form on the bottom of the page to get us that info. You can check it out HERE.

Looking forward to seeing you all this summer!


Reunion is planned for this Summer!

The dates for the upcoming Bradwell Class of ’67 reunion are finally set. The weekend of August 10-12, 2012. I’m not sure what Sheri has in mind in terms of activities, but keep your eyes on this page for more details. I have my airplane reservations all set, and the Cubs are in town that weekend. Looking forward to seeing you all.


Thomas H. Reece: 1937 – 2006

Thomas H. Reece: 1937 – 2006
Ex-chief of Chicago Teachers Union
Strong advocate for educators worked toward consensus in negotiations

By Trevor Jensen, Tribune staff reporter
September 19, 2006

Thomas H. Reece, who took over as president of the Chicago Teachers Union from the outspoken Jacqueline B. Vaughn in 1994 and ran it with a significantly lower profile until he was voted out in 2001, died on Sunday, Sept. 17, at Rush North Shore Medical Center in Skokie, a hospital spokesman said.

The cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage, said Mr. Reece’s son, Eric. Mr. Reece, 68, was a longtime North Side resident who more recently lived in Morton Grove.

Mr. Reece was vice president of the then-31,000-member teachers union when Vaughn, known for her stylish hats, confrontational style and press-ready comments, died in January 1994. He was named interim president until being elected to a full term the following May. Continue reading

35th Reunion

An important message from Chairperson Kessler:
Dear Classmates:

We are looking forward to seeing you this weekend and hope that you last few stragglers and procrastinators will find the time to return your completed questionnaires and money (in the event you decide to be brave and show up.)

A couple of last minute details:

First, if you are interested in turning in your questionnaire at this time, it must be by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday. If you are not coming and are interested in receiving a copy, please contact Cheri Julius Lande at

Second, we are trying to get an idea of how many people will be attending the “field trip” on Friday. As we have had inquiries pertaining to available space in cars from those who do not have local transportation, we would appreciate all of you letting us know if you have space where a classmate can ride. All cooperation is appreciated. Continue reading