It’s hard to believe that the time has come once again for the class of ’67 to get together. We are all getting older. It is time to celebrate what for most of us is our 70th birthday, see old friends, and maybe even make some new friends. The dates for our celebration are August 4-6. 2023, with the main party being on Saturday, August 5. If you haven’t received the invite, contact sckjd05 at (Sheri) or banditquigley at (Bonnie). See you soon!
Reunion Invite!
50th Reunion Announced!
Big News! The 50th reunion of the Class of 67 has officially been set for July 22. We are hoping to have as many classmates there as possible to join in the celebration. Lots of details to come.
Make sure you are getting all the updates by joining the Class of 67 Facebook Group, you should go and join right away. Let’s get a conversation going and build up to the next event! You can join by clicking HERE. Also, check out the Graduates page on this site to see if we have your correct contact info. If not, there’s a form on the bottom of the page to get us that info. You can check it out HERE.
Looking forward to seeing you all this summer!
More Sad News
Does this bring back any memories?
Sad News
Youth Center Membership Card
At the reunion, Jorge Quirch brough with him an artifact of the old neighborhood that should bring back a lot of memories…his Youth Center Membership Card. He was kind enough to give it to us so we could share it with everyone here. It may be a little yellowed with age, but it’s amazingly intact.
2012 Reunion Photos
The first photos from the 2012 Reunion have come in and here they are. I’m sure there will be many more.
Comments after the break… Continue reading